i love the Neck because these old buildings have a life of their own and the people who live out there embrace the changing of the seasons.
Winter is dangerously cold with that frigid wind that comes either out of the Northwest from Canada - Alberta Clippers, or off the North Atlantic in the form of a N'oreaster. Heavy snows that blow and swirl and hide the world. It's so beautiful because it's so private. Everyone is home by the wood stove and, as with the Dragon and myself, it's a time to snuggle and speak in low sweet tones to each other.
Spring is a time to brave the still biting air and brush snow off the crocuses. A sudden snow squall may drop four or five inches but it's nothing to get upset about because it's Spring and we have heavy sweaters that have bright colors.
Summer is a hurry up and relax time. Tourists everywhere. Work hard and fast to catch their dollars for they all go home after Labor Day weekend. The weather turns and summer closes down. It's like a blanket gets pulled over the sun and, though it shines just as bright, it's not quite as warm.
Fall. It hits early and hard. Like it did last year when my Dragon was still alive. Like it's doing this year, according to my little desktop weather report.
I'm not doing well. I got checked and I lost a bit more of my hearing and I'm getting scared. I've lost more of my ability to find sound. I can hear it sort of but I can't place what direction it's coming from. the Dragon was learning sign so he could help me in those situations where i get confused. he was there to speak to me in my ear. he ran interference for me. i was in a safe place no matter where i was because i was with him.
but my ear aches a bit and will off and on now upon occasion. the tinnitus is always there now but the decibels rise and fall. did i mention that i'm scared? i get apprehensive if i go out. i got an amplifier for the phone and it helps with loudness but not clarity.
i wish he were here. i wish i could go sit with him and hug him and hear him say, "it's going to be okay, love." i want to laugh as he shows off that he's already learned all the "dirty" signs.
it's October and it doesn't feel like October here. but it does on the Neck. it's just the Dragon and i are no longer there anymore.
I'm sorry my friend ... whenever we are feeling sick, or health issues worsen, the world becomes even more frightening to us. I learned sign language for: sit, stay, ball, treat, dinner, lay down, good boy, come here - to use with my deaf dog. Strangely enough, he understands all the food related signs and good boy, but struggles with the rest of it .... so I flick the patio light on and off twice so he knows to come back in from the bottom of the garden!
Are you taking any treatment? Can you treat tinnitus? Is it operable, or meds? I know nothing about the condition - but have had recurring severe ear infections, so know that you will be unsteady with your balance, feel nauseous, you will feel isolated from people because you get embarrassed and tired of saying, "Pardon?" and in the end you just communicate less and less. The pain is dreadful, comparable to toothache - really acute and piercing.
LOL, Cliff would have prioritized the dirty words too :-)
I wish we didn't have to overcome other stuff as well as living with our grief. It's unreasonable to be expected to do so, in my opinion.
I hope that you can get help? Keep us posted xxxx
I'm so sorry that you aren't enjoying fall on The Neck with your Dragon. Your description really describes what a beautiful and peaceful place it is and I can imagine how wonderful life was with your Dragon there. My heart aches for you... Please keep us posted on your hearing and if there is anything we can do. You're always in my thoughts and prayers.
Boo has put it really well when she says that it is so unreasonable/unfair to expect us to deal with other challenges besides our grief. The grief in itself is more than enough. It doesn't seem possible to have to overcome other tragedies. And then to have to do so when we are alone and already beaten down because of our sorrow...
You have lost your safety net and protector. To be adrift in a raging sea without that anchor must be unbearable. I am terribly sorry you are facing the hearing complications on your own. I would be frightened out of my mind and to have to have those fears and face them on one's own must be intolerable.
I will pray for your physical relief and for continued strength and courage to be restored to you.
I think that the other aspect of your post that strikes me is your recollection of the Neck. And how you visualize it now as it was last year in its fall beauty. It is crazy to realize how certain aspects of life go on and are the same when our worlds have collapsed!
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