i'm waiting for the Tylenol PM to kick in but i think i'm getting immune or i waited until the pain in my knees and my hand was too far along.
i woke the dogs with my picture taking. they were so sound asleep. bless their hearts. i woke them up. i think they're worried about me. my sleep patterns have been disrupted since February 9th, that awful night. i can see a full moon coming on again. it's almost 8 months.

Carmen Sophia was perturbed by the flash.

Scootie Wootums had something to say about it. i stopped bothering them and found this duck. i do wish i had this duck. maybe i could sleep on his back.

he has a nice smile, a calm countenance. i bet he'd listen to my woes and never judge. ah well, maybe the Tylenol PM is finally kicking in. i hope someone liked my puppies and this duck. i hope i can sleep a little tonight.
i hope he comes to me in my dreams. a Dragon with moonlight-colored hair and a soft beard. i would sleep for a long time if only i could feel his arms around me ~~~~~~ just once more.
Loved the pix, and yes I too can imagine sleeping on his back. Right now though I have a vision in my mind of you sleeping on the back of your dragon whilst he sails through the sky, with great wings. I haven't even seen your face before, but somehow I can imagine this. Sometimes I think I am losing it ... but actually it is a nice vision and you are happy and safe xx
thank you, Boo. my face has nothing to recommend it so i keep it "in the shadows" as it were. i love the vision. soaring through the sky holding on to him. i'd never fall again.
Where did you find the duck? It has made me giggle, which I really need this morning! Thank you!
Hope you got some good sleep last night, filled with dreams of your Dragon.
I, too, loved the pics. Love that you found a light-hearted moment, however fleeting. Hope that you had the dream you sought, however fleeting. BTW, I love the pic of the two of you kissing.
=o} twinmom, my daughter took that photo. she was in college for photography and she had an assignment called "family album." she asked for a kissing shot. my Dragon was never one for the anemic brush across the lips. full on. tongue. i had never felt so adored. i always felt so loved. this is my favorite photo. btw, of all the kissing shots turned in, ours was the only one of what the teacher called a "real kiss."
Suddenwidow, i'm glad you giggled. Twain said, "in the face of laughter, nothing can stand." i'm hoping even grief will fall to it's knees for a few moments while we share a laugh. my husband were famous for his laugh. i'm trying to be more like him.
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